This November 2018, the group PONSARD, « Les Amis De Labastide De Virac 07 », a humanitarian association has chosen to travel to Madagascar by making the micro-microbe on the Canal des Pangalanes. It is about taking a few days of vacation after their journeys around Mahambo: some 700 medical consultations on the counter: it forces the respect!
Monique, Ponsard, the organizer of the stay chose to trust our network (Holidays Madagascar via our new website to discover the East Coast and its biodiversity. And the turbulent lemurs of the Palmarium at Akan'ny Nofy, at Ampitabe Lake.
The PONSARD group at the Palmarium
This November 2018, the PONSARD group, "The Friends Of Labastide De Virac 07", is an humanitarian association in Madagascar by making the mini-cruise on the Pangalanes Canal. Mahambo: some 700 medical consultations on the counter: it forces the respect!
Monique, Ponsard, the organizer of the stay thing to trust our network (Holidays Madagascar via our website to discover the East Coast and its biodiversity. And the turbulent lemurs of the Palmarium at Akan'ny Nofy, at Ampitabe Lake.
Since 1995, we have always allocated a small part of the price of the stay for solidarity actions to the village of Soamanana. This time, 243 euros were used for Loharanosoa College one hour from the capital Antananarivo:
- Creation of the class of Fifth
- Purchase of tables, benches and blackboard
- Painting the walls of the building
- Benefits of RAKOTOFRAH ZANANY's Troupe during the back to school day this Friday 9/11/2018
Our teaching team sends them our warmest thanks for this participatory solidarity action.
Visit their Facebook page to follow their solidarity actions.