Our village Soamanana is located on the highlands of Madagascar, in the ITASY Region, an hour from Antananarivo.

You can reach our village by the National 1, You take the fork to the south at the exit of Mangatany. You follow a red track of about 5 kilometers.

The 2017-2018 school year was good : RATE OF SUCCESS IN THE C.EP.E Examination 80% OF STUDENTS ARE RECEIVED !!


The school was established in April 2016 at the east of Soamanana village, Ampahimanga, Arivonimamo. The other schools are all more than 2 hours walk away.

Our goal is to take charge of our future: to refuse that children remain illiterate or uneducated...

back to school 2018 2019

Back To School 2018 2019

The 2018-2019 teaching team: a shock team decided to chase « Madame La Misère » from our villages !!

The school was opened in April 2016. And we financed everything ourselves. We have not solicited any outside help since the construction of the big house with the purchase of benches, school supplies. And the salary of the teachers who were recruited. We do not match the criteria of the donors: too small and not profitable!

The average age of the teaching staff is 24 years, all young women. In 2018, a young man came to join the team, it is difficult to find men to work in the conditions of extreme poverty where we are. Only young women have accepted the challenge!

For this back to school, 2018-2019, we opened the class of Fifth.

In Madagascar, here is how classes are named:

T1: CP preparatory course

T2: Class CE1

T3: Class CE2

T4: Class

CM1 T5: Class CM2, class of examination C.E.P.E

To celebrate the start of the school year 2018-2019 and especially to reward the students who worked hard and passed their exams of the CEPE at 80%, we invited the troupe RATOKOFRAH ZANANY, a troupe of several generations of HIRA GASY and Zafindraona.

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